Saturday, June 28, 2014

Poetry Remembered.

I read a poem once called "Taking Back Sundays" I got it out of a Sassy Magazine back in the 90's. I loved the poem. I still do. I remember a few lines. I am taking back Sundays and Church bells that ring. It was a wonderful poem about enjoying the day. I have it some where. I cannot recall the author's name who wrote it. I"m sure it was a teenager like I was back in those days. Many people toss aside art, poetry, monologues that which is not of the main stream. I guess it is why I am so earnest at recognizing it.. Art is Art even if it is not delivered by someone who is famous.

                                                             Angela K. Crandall A.K.A. Arcadia

Friday, June 27, 2014

Make change with Meaning.

"I look at the stars not to see them shine, but to know they exist. You can pretend they are not there, you can deny their beauty, a glow in the darkness emitting hope like the lightening in the rain, or you can be the stone in the soup that refuses to see inside me, deeper then the outskirts, more depth then the outer core, as well as my ability to adapt yet I am not allowed to wish others could do so to make me feel accepted as well. It is why I am so let down by the world, don't tell me not to expect anything, when I think it my place to make change with meaning."-Angela Crandall, Author — feeling wise.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Unconditional, Universal, Humanity...

"If my heart was made of stone you would have never known me, instead I allowed you in for a short time until it became unbearable. I under estimated the idea, the hope that what I could see would also reflect upon you creating a balance. It never occurred to me that to some, one side only remained, a way to grasp, a way to cope that this one way was so strong you would deny me the right to my reflection. That is when I turned away unwilling to compromise my truth leaving behind what once was to begin a new path. I may seem alone in the night stretching out my arms looking to the sky above me, below me grounded yet floating. Each breath reminds me I am living. I see, hear, move, and feel great gifts given. Then I smile at nothing, but survive believing that one day the sun will shine on us all. A day in which beliefs, and views no longer separate us as humans, and only then will humanity win, this is the day I wait for. It may not be in the hearts of others, but it is in mine."-Angela K. Crandall, Author


poetry-The ARTISTS

June 26, 2014 at 3:18am
"People think if they ignore you it will make your dreams go away.
YOur art
 That is not how I play, or pay.
It's inside me
it will come out
even if I have to shout
 when no one listens
it is there so go a head
 be scard hide away
do what you must, but I will not bust.
I am just me,
I am who I am
frankly I don't give a damn
Those I reach they have a clue
touched without physicality
They understand
get all of what I am. 
Not many 
what I do."

Angela K. Crandall (originally posted on my Face book Account.)

Saturday, June 14, 2014


"All my heart wants is more hearts that understand, to hold out their hands, to give me what I would give them even if they are just friends, then maybe I could begin again. All this sliding back I'm so through with that. What I need is a anew, something to remind me again humanity exists, and I don't have to live my life like this.-"Angela Crandall, Author

Thursday, June 12, 2014



Poetry, does it grab you?
 Does it's mystery drag you in? 
Can you guess what the poet is saying?
 What they mean, or do you want it straight up, no guessing games?
 Poets are overlooked, and under appreciated.
 We are still standing, speaking, shouting, singing, 
and dreaming 
in spite of the silent audience.


Angela K. Crandall

(Originally posted on my author's page)

Moving Forward

I came up with an idea for another story today! Now it is just putting it together, finding a way to make it altogether eerie. My inspirations for this book are: "The Twilight Zone." "The Ray Bradbury Theater." "Tales from the Dark side" and "Outer Limits." shows, where at the end Bang! Ha, Ha, makes ya think, jump and go What? I just am not sure if people get those kinds of things anymore, things that leave you with questions and not answers.
                             ~Angela K. Crandall~ 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

In progress

Engaging in more writing, creating, and opening myself up to new characters. I've been writing new scenes on the side cheating on my current stories, books, characters, at a side glance. I tend to be one step a head of myself in some aspects. Then one step back on another. October is my month fingers crossed for a new release! The anticipation of finding some Bata readers I can trust. A perpetual adventure that lye before me, another step, by step progressive act to continue.
                               Angela K. Crandall-Arcadia-Characters of depth created by my own Illusions.