Hope has been in my mind, in my heart, in this world, but it is not where it should be. It is not in our goverment who instead of fighting needs to work with one another in order to make this world better for everyone. People need a living wage. They need to be able to get a good education without it affedting their ability to get a home because of student loans. Our education must be more affordable everything must not be about the American dollar, but about us. Until this happens evil is here.... it's walking around with us for the devil wants us to hurt those who are below us, not hand them help, give them hope, faith, peace like our lord would want the people of this earth to do. All the poor have is each other, you are suppose to be pleased if you have a roof over your head even if it is not your own. If it is not your own someone else is benifiting and you have nothing is that right? someone to make money off another who otherwise would have no place to live, or should we be grateful to landlords who get lots of cash because without them people would be homeless? Are we suppose to worship the one who gives us crumes and will we go to hell for not doing so? Are the poor evil because they don't appriciate what the rich does for them? I wish I could answer these questions. I wish I could have some kind of accomplishment besides love, and working on a degree. Everything seems so far away, bae patient they say 27 years old, how many more years do I have to be patient to earn a decent wage to live, pay what I owe, to have one child, is this selfish?
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